A broker is like a bank, it is where your funds are added or withdrawn.
The broker is the gateway to the FOREX market and will place the trades for you when instructed.
SWG buys computing space from cloud servers.
These are big data centres around the world with thousands of computers which are always on and have a far faster internet connection than us here in Norfolk!
We can login and control our systems from anywhere in the world at any time.
SWG sends trading instructions to the brokers from here.
Metatrader is the software we use to control the broker accounts.
It is from here the trades are placed and monitored.
Our artificial intelligence program is trading on Metatrader 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, without stopping. We do keep an eye on it to make sure it's not slacking though!
Once the AI has placed the trade it is then copied to the clients accounts. The copier will adjust the trade amount according to the clients balance and risk settings.
The trade is placed as either a 'buy' (a long) or a 'sell' (a short) order.
As currency is traded in pairs, it simply means that we are expecting the value of one to rise or fall against the other.
The trade size is called a 'lot' and the higher the account balance the bigger the lot size. A £1000 account would open a lot of 0.01 and could expect to make around £2 per trade. A £10,000 account would open a lot of 0.10 and could expect to make around £20 per trade.
If you wish you can learn more about FOREX here.
The Snowden Wright Group Ltd
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Company Number: 12828218